The Moxie Memo
Grab a cup of coffee and settle in for tips on the business of dance, branding, web design, and lifestyle.
#DancersEatToo: 4 Weeks with Ten Dollar Dinners
Do your dinners need a makeover? Read about how my family saved time and money with Ten Dollar Dinners and Peapod!
Thanks, Mom: A Letter to an Accidental "Dance Mom" on Mother's Day
A heartfelt thanks to my own dance mom and a Happy Mother’s Day to all
The Money Talk That Parents and Dancers Need to Have
What happens when success doesn’t equal a living wage? Parents and dancers should grab coffee and talk about this one…
Former Dancer? 7 Ways to Stay Involved After Your Final Bow
Were you the consummate bun crafter, 20 second fast changer, a skillful pancaker, or a pointe shoe whisperer? Were you the dancer who never forgot a combination and always knew the counts? Whether you stopped dancing 20 years ago-- or just yesterday, there are creative ways to continue to use your experience, in dance. These suggestions aren't for crafting a career (although it is possible with #7). These are simply great ideas for reconnecting with the dance community. Read along for 7 excellent ways to jump in!
Why I go to the barre
...Because dance cannot be replaced by fitness classes. If you've ever danced, then you know that there is nothing quite like the feeling of it. No doubt classwork is anaerobic and doing it once a week will not put you back in performing shape, but it may put you back on the road to better health. Because you feel better when you dance.