The Moxie Memo
Grab a cup of coffee and settle in for tips on the business of dance, branding, web design, and lifestyle.
The Money Talk That Parents and Dancers Need to Have
What happens when success doesn’t equal a living wage? Parents and dancers should grab coffee and talk about this one…
Get Ready for Your Summer Dance Program
Summer is right around the corner. Start preparing for your summer intensive now!
How to Prioritize Church and Commit to Dance
Ultimately, the question doesn’t need to be church or dance class as if it is a competition. Instead focus on how each day— from going to class to going to church— can honor God. (Romans 12:1-2 MSG)
The Do's and Don'ts of Leaving Your Dance Studio
Use this guide to facilitate your transition from one dance studio to the next.
Recreational? Pre-professional? Competitive? A Parent's Quick Guide to Dance Studio Types
Use this simple guide to identify dance studio types when selecting a school for your child. What you choose today can effect their future path.
Choosing a Dance Studio? Here Are Six Tips to Get You Started
Look for educated instructors, clean facilities, sprung floors, and the career path of the students.
Why Does it Matter Where I Send my Child to Dance?
Send your child to a place that will provide quality training whether or not they decide to pursue dance in the future.
Please don’t simply choose the first listing in your google search or default to the program closest to your house.