I'm Back!
I know, I know. I wrote a few posts and completely dropped the ball on this blog. I had such great intentions. BUT, the great thing about life is that it is full of new opportunities. So, I will take this new opportunity to start again. A LOT has happened since I last wrote-- including giving birth to my baby boy! There is plenty to write about. No more excuses. Now is the time to do it.
You might wonder why I would force myself to keep going with this when clearly it has been a challenge to maintain. Have you ever just known that there was something you had to do? Whether or not anyone ever read it or saw it or talked about it? That's how I feel about this. I know it is the right thing to do. Seems like I'm still learning the lesson I wrote about on one of my very first entries- take a step and your inspiration or motivation will come. I also find that it isn't always about what you're doing, but rather what you learn on your way.
So, the posts might be shorter, but as always, I hope you find something here that will help you on your journey.