Your Next At Bat Might Be Your Home Run
My son had gotten into a slump.
Never mind that he had missed two games for illness and others were canceled due to to the weather, he thought he’d pick up right where he left off.
But when that didn’t happen that game or the next, he got mad.
Really mad.
We told him to keep going. I think I said something like, save the anger for the car ride home and go have fun.
Well, not only did he go and have fun. He got his hitting back…and he’s ready for more.
When he got home, I congratulated him. Then reminded him, “So now you know, don’t give up. You never know if your next at bat is the one you knock out of the park.”
Have you ever felt like this?
Like nothing is working, no matter how hard you try?
I know I have. As I spoke to him, I realized it was also a message for me.
If you’re feeling this today- if you’re pushing through something difficult, remember to keep going.
Remember your whys and focus on the aspects of the difficult process that you can enjoy.
Your next try, your next at bat, might just be your home run.