5 Steps to a Winning Dance Resume
Hello, Dancers!
Today, I’m covering a topic that for some seems like quite a snoozer. Dance resumes!!! Where some people see bo-ring, I see opportunity! (They don’t call me a Dance Nerd for nothing.)
Resumes are one of the trickiest parts of #dancelife. Mom and Dad typically can’t help because they don’t look and flow like other resumes. Sometimes, dancers try to google to find results (and if google brought you here, welcome) but you can never really be certain if what you find is right.
I’m pretty sure there’s a single origin resume out there somewhere that countless dancers have just been copying for years.
The thing is, that’s not good enough for you. You’re a dancer or industry professional that wants to maximize your potential, right? Then, it’s time to stop copying and start crafting the kind of resume that gets you noticed…
The one that makes people look twice….
That shows that you know what you’re doing…
Because, let’s face it. If your resume doesn’t look professional, you may never get the opportunity to show what you really know. I don’t want that for you and hopefully you don’t want that for yourself.
So, here’s what I propose. Steal my secrets. Let me show you the steps I take to craft a resume. I’ve been a professional dancer in concert dance and theatre, pre-professional teacher, college adjunct, award-winning choreographer and program director. By the grace of God and a gift for formatting, I’ve been able to show off my hard work on a simple, one page document. Like the constitution, it is a living breathing document that can be amended whenever necessary.
Submitting a resume is not about getting a job. It is about getting an opportunity to have a conversation- an interview, an audition, a grant that will propel you to where you want to go.
If you are a young dancer or career professional who wants to know more, download my 5 Step Dance Resume Playbook for FREE today!
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