12 Tips for Raising an Artist- a Mother’s Perspective
Raising an artist is exhausting, daunting, and exciting all at the same time! My dancer daughter became interested in dance at age 3, but my husband and I made her wait until she was 4 to take classes. She lived, dreamed, and thought about dance 24/7.
We encouraged her in dance but we insisted on family, church, and school as priorities. We exposed her to other forms of the arts- music, painting, and writing to help her not to be a one-trick pony. We insisted on excellence in everything because we knew she was capable.
Danielle and I after her final spring concert as a high school student.
Here are a few “tips” for raising a well-rounded, artistic person:
1. Insist on commitment. (We required a year to year commitment) Dreams can change.
2. Encourage excellence with fun.
3. Be available to talk things through. Artistry does not always come with common sense.
4. Really listen and be observant.
5. Be their advocate and protector.
Danielle in 1987, her first year of ballet
6. Be realistic. As wonderful as their desire may be, not all will “make it.”
7. As they get older, re-evaluate what “making it” means.
8. Pray for your child.
9. Encourage friendships with people who don’t share their artistic interests.
10. Your artistic child is a member of the family with all of the rights, privileges, and responsibilities of a family member (chores). Make sure they keep up with their responsibilities- no prima donnas here!
The Smith family [PC: Courtney Jones]
11. As a parent, keep in mind that every artist’s gift may not lead to a vocation.
12. Help them to know they are more than their ability.
You are embarking on a journey. Hang on for the ride!
Do you have any tips to add? Share them in the comments.
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