New Priorities for the New Year

I don't know about you, but for me 2015 felt a bit like my "annus horribilis" (bad year) to quote Queen Elizabeth II (1992). For as many wonderful changes happened, there were an equal, if not great number of challenges. It seemed that the harder I worked to dig myself/my family out, the worse things got. But, there is one caveat- we grew closer as a family and we grew in our faith. So, I cheerfully bid adieu to the past with the great expectation that we can't go lower, or things can't get worse (I hope, I hope, I hope), we've gotta go forward!

One thing that I noticed about myself in 2015 was that I really did not take care of my health. As stress was building, rather than combat it with healthy food and exercise, I either didn't eat (bad for metabolism) or kept myself "busy". Personal time for quiet was non-existent. So, in the days leading up to 2016, I made plans to change that. The inspirational example for this? My mother...

Growing up, I could count on the house schedule, in which everyone contributed. Monday and Thursdays, laundry. Saturday mornings clean bathrooms, dust and vacuum (well maybe there was several days of vacuuming). Everyday, empty the dishwasher in the morning, be sure that no dishes were left in the sink at night, empty all trash cans everyday. Meals around the same time each day. My mom woke up at the same time everyday and went to bed at the same time every night. To this day, she maintains the same schedule. As a youthful artist, however, I rebelled against the structure of it all. I had to stay up late, doing what I considered my best work at midnight or later. That led to terrible sleeping habits and no sort of cleaning system in place once I had my own place. Now, I'm mom-as-artist-entrepreneur and while my creative time often still falls to the fringe hours of the day-- early morning before kids wake up or after their bedtime- I find myself craving more and more of my mother's structure. Just don't tell her I said that.

It is more than just a cleaning schedule. It is recognizing that we all get the same hours in the day as Fixer Upper's Joanna Gaines or Oprah Winfrey, for example. It is about how we use our time. It is easy for me to get caught up in a project and neglect everything else. And maybe that was fine for a certain period in my life. But, now I need to set aside an amount of time for each task, each day and not allow things to consume all of my hours- not if I ever want to have the balance I seek. Not if I want to cultivate several ideas, simultaneously. It also means excepting my best at the moment, rather than awaiting perfection or knowing all of the answers before beginning.

So, here's to a new year full of health, prosperity, and dare I say it- schedules. Say a prayer for me as I dig into my mother's world and attempt to sleep at a reasonable time.

What does the new year hold for you? Have you made any resolutions?


Do you struggle with a routine to start your day? Check out this article for inspiration:  "The Morning Routines of 12 Women Leaders"  

Ever heard of decision fatigue? Perhaps wearing the same outfit everyday will keep your head in the game: Why Successful People Wear the Same Things Everyday.


Summer, Summer, SummerTIME!!!!


From Roarin' 20s to Blue Christmas...